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Fall (2024) Featured Artist Promotion Special

We've got the best deal for our FALL VIP Featured Artist Promotion Special good through the month of November 2024.

The VIP Featured Artist is the best of the promo packages, with the best opportunity for maximum exposure throughout our system & around the globe. Below is a description of the latest VIP Featured Artist promotion.

FALL (2024) VIP Featured Artist Promotion Special - consist of your artist’s picture or CD cover, which will be setup on the VIP Featured Artist area on the front page of our website. Clicking on that picture takes you to the main page setup for your artist's bios, pictures, links to whatever sites & or social networking sites that are associated with the artist, contact info for artist & or label. There will be a music player setup to play a snippet or full version of your latest release or even the video, (video is covered with this promotion), plus we will also setup a poll & or a comment section for visitors & our DJs to vote or comment whether they like the song or not. This will run on our website for 10 weeks on that VIP Featured Artist section. This setup/page will turn into a VIP Music Review on the site, with all the same content running in the Music Review section from that point on. As part of this special, we can load the song up for our 54,000+ registered DJs around the globe to have access to as well, to help maximize the exposure through the pool, which normally cost an additional $100 with any promo package. Then we’ll setup a link to this page on our bi-weekly newsletter, which goes out to over 300,000 music professionals & all of our DJs around the globe. We’ll be posting links to this VIP Featured Artist page on all of our social networking systems like, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Instagram, Pintrest, plus the social network GROUPS we’re associated with & it's all for only $500. That’s normally over $1700 worth of advertisement & promotions. Also, there is a banner that runs towards the bottom of our website & an album cover module that also runs throughout the website & they both run randomly throughout the duration of the promotion. 

You DO NOT have to use it in the month of November 2024 but you do have to pay for it in full & we'll set it up for the timeframe you'd like to run it in the future.

If things are tight we can setup a 2 week VIP Featured Artist promo for $300 or a 4 week VIP Featured Artist promo for $450, but 10 weeks for $500 is the best deal for your new release. (Last month to take advantage!)

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Ronnie Matthews - 704-599-6645

E-mail - CaptKirk(at)StarfleetMusic.com or Rmatthews(at)starfleetmusic.com 


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