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The Trammps feat. Earl Young and Darryl Grant - Let Me Love You Tonight

It's our honor to introduce you to this new hit by The Trammps feat. Earl Young and Darryl Grant, "Let Me Love You Tonight".

The Trammps feat. Earl Young and Darryl Grant Let Me Love You Tonight cover 400x383”When you blend the melodic excellence of the 1960’s and 70’s Motown Sound with that of the powerful Philly Sound’s rhythmic tracks and heart-throbbing lyrics, the end result,” say songwriters/producers Mckinley Jackson and his business partners Mervin and Melvin Steals, “will be what we affectionately refer to as ‘The MoPhilly Sound’.”  Add the sexy, Barry-White-like bass voice of The Trammps’ founder Earl Young; the velvety smooth lead vocal of Spectum’s Darryl Grant; a passionate love song penned by Mervin “Mystro” and Melvin “Lyric” Steals, songwriters of the Spinners’ timeless classic, Could It Be I’m Falling In Love; background vocals by Detroit’s gifted vocalists Beth Griffith and Christy Johnson; and Mckinley Jackson’s well-conceived and energetically performed arrangement to the mix and you have the makings of a song that will not only resonate with those who appreciate and love good, old American Soul Music, but will also compel those who hear Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Love’s pulsating beat—in dance clubs around the world—to get up on their feet and dance and shout en masse, “I want MoPhilly!” the moment that this toe-tapping tune comes to a close. The invaluable musical contributions of long-time, touring bassist with The Ojays and creator of the unforgettable bass line in Mcfadden and Whitehead’s monster hit, Ain’t No Stopping Us Now, Jimmie Williams; Teddy Pendergrass’ pianist Alfie Pollitt and guitarist Robert “Wawa” Legrand, who played on his platinum LP, Teddy Coast To Coast Live; the late, great Grover Washington’s extraordinarily talented percussionist, Pablo Batista; up-and-coming Philadelphia studio drummer Lawrence Bowens; Detroit’s rock guitarist Randy Lynch; and last but not least Mckinley Jackson’s Detroit horns were the icing on the cake.  Finally, kudos must be extended to the three technical geniuses—one in Detroit and the other two in Philadelphia—whose collective efforts culminated in the mixing and mastering of a musical masterpiece of which all parties involved should be extremely proud: Greg Reilly, Manager of The Disc Ltd., Craig White, the Manger of The Lab, and Philly’s Frankford Wayne’s highly skilled technician, Peter Humphries. Once you hear this catchy, mid-tempo, Steals Brothers Classic love song I’m sure you’ll know exactly what I mean.  Listen and ENJOY!!!! 

Anyone wanting to communicate with Earl Young or book Earl and his Trammps should contact his agent:

Mitchell Karduna, Director of Talent Representatives for CTI The Trammps feat. Earl Young and Darryl Grant Let Me Love You Tonight cover 600x162
phone) 212-730-2701
email) mitchellkarduna(at)tciartists.com

website) www.tciartists.com   

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The Trammps feat. Earl Young and Darryl Grant - Let Me Love You Tonight


0 #35 Pearline T. 2017-07-09 10:52
Here's another hit that I ran across on your website & all of these artist & wanted to saw thanks for turning us onto new music, especially this artist which are are really enjoying.
0 #34 DJ Plenty 2016-09-28 07:29
I remember the original group & their music. This is truely a hot hit. Been hearing this throughout the Summer. 8)
0 #33 Tha Stone Man 2016-08-05 07:37
What a classic sounding hit. My group just wanted to say thanks for the post. We had no idea they were still together. 8)
0 #32 Shelia MB 2016-07-29 09:32
I agree with my of these people that your post has introduced my group to so many new artist that have us looking for them online now. This is a great song. :lol:
0 #31 June App. 2016-07-18 08:28
A fun sounding song that has many of our group raving about dancin' every time they click this link. Thanks 4 the post. ;-)
0 #30 Meshia M. 2016-07-17 10:57
Thanks for the intro to our groups. You've started a groove our members didn't know about. Hot music. :lol:
0 #29 Abi Bailey 2016-07-17 07:38
I've seen your post before & finally decided to see what this was all about & now I'm hooked. Luv this music. Dancin dancin dancin.... :lol:
0 #28 DJ DF Packer 2016-07-12 11:32
Been supporting since you dropped this song on us. It's easy to get people of the dance floor. ;-)
0 #27 IBDancin 2016-07-07 18:16
This is some hot music. Great posting! 8)
0 #26 DJ Times 2016-07-02 16:58
Thanks for posting in our group again. Our DJs told me about this site. You guys have amazing new music we've never heard before. This is a great sounding hit song. Keep us posted. ;-)

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